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By Gearhex

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We’re Gearhex.
We make games and run a small gaming community. Home of Smackpow UFO and our Minecraft server Gearhex MC.

Gearhex came into conceptual being between the years of 2011 and 2015. We started out with our Minecraft server Gearhex MC (formally Vitalcraft) and then later, thrived as our talents grew and decided to make indie games too.

Now, we have a small team of independent like-minded developers with a vision to create indiegames, and to publish them for all to enjoy. See more about Gearhex Studios here.

Our online gaming community is growing, with gamers from all over, enjoying not only our own games, but other large popular games: Rocket League, Minecraft, Apex Legends, Fortnite and many more! Come play with us, and make new friends. Chat with us on our Community Discord server!

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