Branding - Gearhex

l'image de marque

Tu es là:

l'image de marque

Use of Gearhex branding. We consider ourselves to be a relaxed brand with not too many rules. To ensure that the use of our brand assets is up to scratch, we have created a few guidelines on how and where to use our logs, images, trademarks or any other branding property. Keeping things uniform establishes our brand apart from others and makes it easily recognizable upon viewing content featuring our assets. If you wish to use our assets for events, posters, community content, or something else, please send it our way so we can take a look!

Directives Logo

Please do not modify, edit, change, distort, recolor, or reconfigure our logos and icons in any way. Please make sure the logo or icon is clearly visible and that the size is appropriate for the media or document you are publishing it on. Spacing considerationsEnsure there is adequate space between our logo and another element. It is to not be used in conjunction with another logo. If you wish to use a black, or greyscale variation of our logos or icons for your media or document, please contact us.

Our Icon: Use this variation for most cases, useful for when you only have a square-shaped space to fill. It is to be used expecially when the name “Gearhex” has been featured elsewhere on the media or document.

Gearhex Icône
⭳ Télécharger .png 16×Pays/Région ?
⭳ Télécharger .png 32×32
⭳ Télécharger .png 64×64
⭳ Télécharger .png 150×150

Gearhex MC Édition Icône
⭳ Télécharger .png

Gearhex MC Icon
⭳ Télécharger .png 64×64
⭳ Download .png 512×512

Gearhex MC Emblem Creeper
⭳ Télécharger .png
Our Logo: This is our main logo, this is to be used when you wish to include the name “Gearhex” within the logo instelf, for content that us laid our horrizonataly. Useful for banners or large wide features. You must make sure that this logo is visible to read against the background.

Gearhex Logo standard Blanc
⭳ Télécharger .png

Gearhex Studios Logo Blanc Standard
⭳ Télécharger .png

Gearhex MC Logo principal foncé Aqua
⭳ Télécharger .png

Our Alternative Logo: The alternative can be used where it’s absolutlely not appropriate to use the standard white variation.

Gearhex Logo Alternative Bleu
⭳ Télécharger .png

Gearhex Studios Logo Alternative Bleu
⭳ Télécharger .png

Conventions de nommage

Gearhex / gIUHhEks / – To be written, and pronounced as one word “Gearhex” combining the words gear and hex. The “g” in Gearhex must always be capitalized, and the words “équipement” et “hex” are not to be written, spoken, or represented as two words. Never split “Gearhex” into two words and always use the correct capitalization structure:

  • Gearhex
  • gearhex
  • GearHex
  • hex engrenage
  • vitesse Hex
Sub-brands must follow their structure accordingly. For example “Gearhex Studios” with the correct spacing and capitalization where possible.

palette de couleurs

Click on a color to view details such as its uses and color information.


We use the font: Verdana abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890 There are no restrictions on how you use this typeface for our branding in terms of its size or letter case. Please make sure you choose a color that is visible and appropriate for the text background.
ACCEPTABLE Voici quelques exemples de milieux contre le texte visible

✅ Gearhex

✅ Gearhex

✅ Gearhex

✅ Gearhex

✅ Gearhex

✅ Gearhex

✅ Gearhex

✅ Gearhex

INACCEPTABLE Ne pas utiliser un fond qui rend le texte à peine visible

🚫 Gearhex

🚫 Gearhex

🚫 Gearhex

🚫 Gearhex

🚫 Gearhex

🚫 Gearhex

🚫 Gearhex

🚫 Gearhex

Pour notre nom Gearhex


Pour les titres principaux, comme le titre principal sur notre web pagesare grande et capitalisé

principales rubriques

Pour des rubriques telles que les principales rubriques sur nos pages web sont grandes et non capitalisés

Les sous-titres

Pour sous-titres tels que les sous-titres sur nos pages web sont petites et non capitalisés
In some situations we use these where attention needs to be provoked and for things like post headings on our News Blog:





Nos marques

A list of the brands we own, use or work with. These should not be translated into other languages.
Gearhex Studios
Gearhex MC
Gearhex lanceur
Blue World
Smackpow UFO
Google Drive
Recherche Google
Google Keep
Google Sites
Google Agenda
Google Forms
Pay Pal
jeu de Google
Camp de bande
Zoho Courrier

Publicités de Google. Pourquoi est-ce que je vois ceci?

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